For those seeking a more modern version of the traditional white rose bouquet. It uses white roses placed in a sort of green nest. A beautiful and modern bouquet that maintains the romanticism of traditional bridal bouquets.
For those seeking a more modern version of the traditional white rose bouquet. It uses white roses placed in a sort of green nest. A beautiful and modern bouquet that maintains the romanticism of traditional bridal bouquets.
Beautiful and romantic bridal bouquet that combines refined flowers with soft tones. An original and classic arrangement that fits perfectly in a classic ceremony.
Beautiful and romantic bridal bouquet that combines refined flowers with soft tones. An original and classic arrangement that fits perfectly in a classic ceremony.
This bouquet is an explosion of colors. A joyful and very colorful bouquet, ideal for extroverted and fun brides.
This bouquet is an explosion of colors. A joyful and very colorful bouquet, ideal for extroverted and fun brides.
A simple and elegant bouquet of white tulips, ideal for tulip-loving brides. Easily adapted to all types of ceremony and bridal dresses.
A simple and elegant bouquet of white tulips, ideal for tulip-loving brides. Easily adapted to all types of ceremony and bridal dresses.
Simple and sophisticated bridal arrangement with white calla lilies and green plant ribbons. Ideal for bridal dresses that are long, close fit, mermaid style, straight or A-line design.
Simple and sophisticated bridal arrangement with white calla lilies and green plant ribbons. Ideal for bridal dresses that are long, close fit, mermaid style, straight or A-line design.
Romantic but simple bouquet, ideal for parties with more relaxed environments, like a field, home, farm or even beach. Appropriate for daytime ceremonies.
Romantic but simple bouquet, ideal for parties with more relaxed environments, like a field, home, farm or even beach. Appropriate for daytime ceremonies.
Bridal arrangement that uses the same type of flower and color, in a display with excellent symmetry. An unusual and refined bridal bouquet, appropriate for ceremonies in refined environments or chapels and churches.
Bridal arrangement that uses the same type of flower and color, in a display with excellent symmetry. An unusual and refined bridal bouquet, appropriate for ceremonies in refined environments or chapels and churches.
Annual: Plants obtained from seed that complete the life cycle in one season. Annuals should be discarded as soon as the cycle is completed. Several perennial plants are treated as annuals, generally because they lose their vigor in subsequent years.