Aconite Misanthropy, poisoned words
Adonis' Flower Loving memory
Allspice Comparison
Almond tree Hope, awakening
Almond tree flower Hope
Alyssum Value
Amaranth Immortality, eternal life, fidelity
Anemone Persistence, perseverance.
Aster Loyalty, fidelity, wisdom, good thoughts, power, light
Baby’s breath Happiness
Begonia Shyness, innocence, loyalty in love
Black Tulip Elegance, sophistication, also known as the Queen of the Night
Blue mink Purification, emotional purity
Bromeliad Inspiration, resistance
Burdock Inopportune, boring
Buttercups Childishness
Calla Lily Sophistication, beauty
Calliopsis Always happy
Caroline Rose Dangerous love
Centaury Delicacy
Champagne Rose Respect, admiration
Christmas Rose (Helleborus niger) Peace, tranquility
Clematis Spiritual beauty, creativity
Cockscomb Foolishness
Coltsfoot Mother’s love, concern
Columbine Innocence, spirituality
Consolida Open heart
Coral Rose Enthusiasm, desire
Crown Imperial Majestic, power
Daffodil Egotism, introvert, vanity, lie, formality
Daisy Innocence, virginity, innocent love, gentleness
Dandelion Fidelity, joy
Dark geranium Sadness
Delphinium Airy
Dogwood Durability
Dwarf Morning Glory Feminine, sexy
Edelweiss Boldness, noble courage
Elderberry flower Humility, goodness
Fennel Strength
Forget-me-nots Sincere love, fidelity, memories
Forsythia Anticipation
Freesia Welcome, protection, calm
Fuchsia Friendliness
Gardenia Secret Love
Geranium Surpassing hardships
Gerbera Energy, joy, noble love
Gladiola Sincerity, strength of character
Globus Amaranth Immutability
Gloxinia Love at first sight
Goldenrod Good fortune
Heliconia Fertility, tropical charm
Heliotropes Devotion, eternal love
Hibiscus Delicate beauty
Hippeastrum Pride, haughtiness, elegance, grace
Hollyhocks Ambition, fecundity
Hyacinth Delicacy, humility
Hydrangea Coldness, indifference, vanity
Iberis Indifference
Iris Faith, wisdom, value, friendship
Jasmine Love, delicate beauty, grace
Lavender Constancy
Light-rose colored Rose Admiration
Lily Marriage, sweetness, innocence, purity, nobility
Lily of the valley Purity, humility, loving person
Lisianthus Sophistication, elegance, romance, loving commitment.
Lobelia Distinction, splendor
Lotus Mystery, truth, spiritual purity
Magnolia Love of nature, sympathy, dignity, splendorous beauty
Mimosa Sensibility
Mini Carnation Subtlety, perfection, gallantry
Musk Rose Capricious beauty
Nigella Delicacy, perplexity
Oleander Beauty, grace
Orange Lily Hate, disdain, pride
Orange tree flower Purity, innocence, eternal love
Orchid Beauty, luxury, perfection, spiritual purity, refinement, magnificence
Pansy Meditation, memories, reflection
Passion fruit flower Faith, piety
Peach flower Generosity, hope of being bride
Peony Life, happy wedding
Peruvian Lily Happiness, friendship.
Petunia Resentment
Pink Erica Good luck
Poinsettia Fortitude
Poppy Fertility, resurrection, eternal dream, imagination
Primula Balance, objectivity, support, youth, young love
Purple carnation Antipathy, whim
Purple Erica Admiration, beauty, loneliness
Purple Hyacinth Apology, lament
Red camellia Recognition
Red carnation Lively love, admiration
Red chrysanthemum I love, I love you
Red Dahlia Scorching eyes
Red geranium Consolation
Red Jasmine Joy
Red rose Admiration, charity, marriage, desire, intense love, passion
Red tulip Declaration of love, eternal love, irreversible love, perfect love
Rose and white Rose Eternal love
Rose azalea Love of nature (naturalists)
Rose camellia Greatness of spirit
Rose carnation Preference
Rose Dahlia Delicacy, subtlety
Rose geranium Preference
Rose mini carnation Affection
Rose-colored Rose Friendship, tenderness, gratitude, sweetness, charm
Rosemary Persistence, fidelity, loyalty
Roses Passion, romanticism, love, dedication
Saffron Light, grandeur, wisdom.
Salvia I’m thinking of you
Sea Lavender Lasting beauty
Smilax (sarsaparilla) Loving
Snapdragon Presumption, disappointment
Sowbread Apology (red for lovers and white for others), resignation
Strawflower Declaration of war, immortality, permanence
Stripped carnation I can’t be with you
Sunflower Dignity, glory, homage, devotion
Sweet pea Departure, thanks for an adorable time
Tiger Lily Richness, pride
Tuberose Dangerous pleasures
Tulip Love, prosperity, hope
Violet Loyalty, modesty, simplicity, sympathy
Wallflower Adversity, friendship
Water Lily Persuasion, eloquence
White and red Rose Unity
White azalea Romance
White calla lily Innocence, purity, peace
White camellia Perfect beauty
White carnation Pure love, naiveté, innocence, talent
White chrysanthemum Truth, sincerity
White Erica Protection
White Hyacinth Beauty, prayer
White Jasmine Friendship, joy
White Lily Majestic, purity, virginity
White or rose acacia Constance, elegance
White rose Love of God, abstract thought, purity, silence, virginity, peace
Wisteria Poetry, youth
Yarrow Cure
Yellow Acacia Represents a secret love (lover)
Yellow and orange Rose Thoughts of love
Yellow carnation Disdain
Yellow carnation Disdain, rejection
Yellow chrysanthemum Fragile love, disprized love
Yellow Dahlia Reciprocal union
Yellow Hyacinth Jealousy
Yellow Jasmine Modesty, shyness
Yellow poppy Health, success
Yellow rose Jealousy, distrust, infidelity, lover’s rose OR Friendship, sweetness and tenderness (controversial, depends on the author)
Yellow tulip Hopeless love
Zinnia Frivolity
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Nigella: Delicacy, perplexity
Turf: Substance with the consistency of a filamentous sponge and resulting from the decomposition of sphagnum, other mosses and similar plants. (Also see Sphagnum).